The goal of our troop is simple: help our Scouts grow to their full potential by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Scout Oath
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is . . .
- Trustworthy
- Loyal
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Courteous
- Kind
- Obedient
- Cheerful
- Thrifty
- Brave
- Clean
- and Reverent
Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared!
Boy Scout Slogan: Do a Good Turn Daily!
BSA Troop 42 is located in the Tejas Caddo District of the Circle Ten Council in North Texas. The troop is the oldest unit in the district (Maybe the Council Still under Charter) and was founded in January of 1934.
- See more about the Scouting history in ths part of town as of Dec 1, 2011 (When Troop 42 was in the prior district of White Buffalo)
The troop is "scout led" which means the scouts (With some guidance of course) run the weekly meetings, decide the calendar of events each year, raise funds to operate the troop, recruit new members, and so forth.
We currently have about 55 enrolled Scouts. Our troop is active in camping and High Adventure events. The troop sends Scouts to Philmont, Florida Sea Base, Norther Tier, NOAC, and National Jaamborees on a regular basis. We just went to the past Jamboree as well as the 4 proceeding that.
Troop Meeting Location
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at 3204 Skillman, Dallas, Texas 75206 (map).
Troop Meeting Day and Time
Mondays, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Monthly Activities
In addition to troop meetings, monthly activities are usually held. These include camping trips, field trips, service projects, summer camp, winter camp, Camporees, and High Adventure trips.
Registration Requirements
Each scout joining Troop 42 must complete the following:
- Boy Scout Application
- Personal Health and Medical Record
- Payment of registration fee
Registration Fees
An annual troop registration fee currently $100.00 per Scout is due each year. No scout will be denied admission to the troop due to an inability to pay the registration fee. If such a situation exists, please contact one the Troop Committee Co-Chairpersons. The troop does not charge any annual dues. All of this registration money goes to the BSA district and council. The troop is financially sustanined by 2 fundraisers throughout the year - the Pancake Brunch in the Fall and the Spaghetti Dinner in the Spring. A fee of $100 is deducted from their earned amout from selling tickets for each event to fund the troop activities for the year. If a Scout does not sell over $100 they are to cover the balance or the full $100. This will include the recharter fee in December.
Adults need to also register with the troop, and the annual fee is currently $50 per adult. Adults must also complete Youth Protection Training.
Re-chartering is done in December each year.
Scouts and adult leaders are expected to wear the full Scout uniform to all troop activities.
Class B - The troop T-Shirt is an approved alternate to the full uniform, but is only worn during camping trips, service projects, and other times as announced by the Scoutmaster.
In all cases, the scouts must be neat in appearance (see Scout Law).
In addition to a uniform, each new Scout will need to purchase a copy of the Boy Scout Handbook. Prior to going on his first campout, he will also need. Scouts who crossover to the Troop and become a TFC member will be provided their st Scout Hanbook.
- Lightweight, synthetic-filled, mummy style sleeping bay, 30º or lower rating
- Poncho or rain jacket/pants
During campouts, the troop provides tents, cooking utensils, cook boxes, and other items needed by the patrols.
Parental Involvement
There are many ways that parents can get involved with the troop, including serving as Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Members, and Merit Badge Counselors. Please contact the Scoutmaster or one of the Troop Committee Co-Chairpersons for more information on how you can help. The more the parents get involved, the more your sons will want to be involved with the troop.
If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us page on this site.